Tim Blaylark, Head Instructor, 3rd degree black belt Tae Kwon Do:
Rick Danich, Instructor, 1st degree black belt Tae Kwon Do:
Rick started training with Mr. Blaylark in the summer of 2000, sweating it out in the backyard or in the park. He views the martial arts as a lifelong path, full of offshoots and switch-backs, joys and frustrations, and the simple delight of every pebble stumbled upon along the way. Rick enjoys the subtlety of the art that is achieved through practice. He approaches teaching as a two way exchange of information between teacher and student, and sees every teaching experience as a learning opportunity. He hopes to impart his knowledge effectively, efficiently, and responsibly, and to always seek new skills, refine existing skills, and improve.
John Strasser, Instructor, 1st degree black belt Tae Kwon Do:
While always interested in the martial arts, John did not start any serious training until college and after repeated invitations from Sabomnim Blaylark. That was almost ten years ago, and John has greatly enjoyed developing and honing both his physical and mental abilities through the study of Tae Kwon Do. John approaches the art with the intent to understand not just the nuance of the movement, but the intent behind the movement, working to ever refine his actions and adopt the Bear Path philosophy to everyday life, and help other students to achieve the same understanding themselves.
Charlie Roettger, Assistant Instructor, 1st degree black belt Tae Kwon Do:
Charlie was in fourth grade when his mom signed him up for Tae Kwon Do, having found that neither soccer nor basketball was his thing, and his enthusiasm for baseball was waning. Charlie was less than enthusiastic at first, until meeting Sabomnim Blaylark. Mr. Blaylark has inspired Charlie to be a better individual in all ways - more focused, more respectful, and greater attention to details, and he has found Bear Path Martial Arts to be fun as well.
Fox Ringsrud, Assistant Instructor, 1st degree black belt Tae Kwon Do:
More information coming soon!